Micro Grants

Micro-Grant Guidelines and Procedures

The mission of the North Stonington Education Foundation is to support and enhance the quality of education in North Stonington, by facilitating cooperative education ventures among the North Stonington Education Foundation, community groups, organizations, individuals, and the North Stonington Public Schools.

As a rapid response tool to facilitate these ends, the Foundation is pleased to offer one-time microgrants of up to $500 to educators and others.  We also offer grants for larger amounts using the standard grant application – see  nsedfoundation.org.

Grant Criteria and Eligibility:

The NSEF aims to support educational projects that are creative, innovative, relevant, effective, and inspiring.

  • The project must promote advancement of skills or knowledge and add depth to the educational experience.
  • Projects may be directed towards students of any grade level.
  • Application and Review Process:
  • Completed applications will be acknowledged through email and forwarded to the NSEF grants committee.
  • The Committee meets monthly and will review and vote on any completed applications that have been received.

Applications are available online at nsedfoundation.org. If you have questions, you may email NSEF at nsedfoundation@gmail.com  or ellenspring@gmail.com

Grant Publicity and Reporting:

At the conclusion of the project, recipients are requested to provide NSEF with a written summary of achievements made possible through the grant. Please also send 1-3 photos of participants engaged in the activity described in your grant to ellenspring@gmail.com

Grant recipients are asked to include the following statement when presenting the grant in any public forum; “This project is made possible (in whole or in part) by a grant from the North Stonington Education Foundation.”

Grant recipients will be invited to attend a reception towards the end of May to describe the results of your grant activity. Please make a copy of this Google Doc page and complete the application then submit it to the NSEF for consideration. The application for microgrants can be found here.